Final Presentation!

Today we presented the final outcome of the project and we’re happy with the results. To summarize our presentation, our game was based around the idea of the God’s idea of amusement in this world. The idea of the game was that the God would turn the hourglass on its side, and two spiral staircase like structures would rise out of the ground and meet in the center of the hourglass, making a race track to the center. Both sides would race to the center in order to survive “the end of the world.” There would be a dome at the finish point, the side that makes it to the domes first, enter and survive as the world ends around them. The other team would get swept away and crushed by the collapsing sand.

Cassie had the idea that as they got closer to the finish point, the more dangerous the course becomes. For example, quicksand near the start of the course, skeletons that try and drag you under the sand around the middle, and toward the end, eyes that are looking out for your movements. If one spots you moving you’re vapourized on spot and add to the sand in the hourglass.

Previous groups talked about how the Lizard inhabitants hated the God for being trapped in the “Destruction” side of the world, and how the Happy creatures worshipped the God for being on the top safe side. We decided to try incorporate these elements when creating culture, for example, the lizards would try to cheat in order to win as they know exactly what’s happening around them, whereas the  Happy Creatures would be innocent and naive, seeing this as a game. Meaning they rarely ever win the games. Another point a previous group made was that when the world ends and everythings dead, there would be eggs left behind that hatch new life into the world. (For the creatures above anyway). Since the Lizards were smarter creatures, they created the domes in order to survive. Then when the games are in play the God removes their domes and forces them to compete in the games.

Preparing the presentation

Final Presentation tomorrow! We spent today just putting finishing touches on the presentation and timing ourselves to be sure we fit the 15 minute limit. We also had Lorna do the voiceover for our piece as she is a much better voice actor than any of us! (Thanks Lorna!). We also created some gifs to add a little more life to our presentation.

Link to the Presentation.

The 12 Principles presentation

So here’s our presentation!

When creating this presentation we all found this youtube series informative and helped a lot.

We studied each and every video, and read the book “The Illusion of Life” by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas.

Presenting our Trailer

So today we presented our Crystal Egg World trailer. Must say we’re fairly pleased about how it turned out as we all worked pretty hard on it. We worked well as a team!

We also had our projects switched around, now we’re working on building history and culture in our world through a game. We have to make some sort of sport or a game that the inhabitants will play. We need to think about how this game came to be and how it will be played.

Colour presentation

So today we presented our world with colour and compositions added. We were first to present and things went fairly well. However, after seeing how all the other groups worked and came together, i started to think that we maybe could have collaborated more together. I saw that other teams were using other peoples drawings and building upon them and i think thats what we need to do more off. Don’t get me wrong though, we did work well together and discussed each other’s styles and drawings with each other, but we didn’t really switch and exchange drawings to build upon and improve. I’ve definitely been inspired and will begin to do more of this.

Below are some of the pieces i presented.


Presentation Day! Saul Bass vs Kyle Cooper

So the presentation was a success! Everything went down well and everyone got their points across okay, there were a few minor problems with the layout but we’ve learned from it now so all is well. Now that we’ve presented it we realise now that it’s no different to the weekly presentations we’ve been doing and it’s not so bad afterall.

Link to the Presentation.

We also had a lecture on camera and photography to help us out with the 600 photos assignment. I learned a lot from it and it’s really helping with the assignment.

Finishing touches on the presentation

We spent that day putting the presentation together, we all researched different aspects of both title sequence directors and brought all our findings and research together at the end, finalizing it in the motion graphics presentation. It looked great in the end!

Meanwhile we’re trying to finish up the last few pieces of the compositional drawings and concepts.

Presentation One: Saul Bass vs Kyle Cooper

Yesterday we started piecing our presentation together. When continuing the research on the two motion graphics designers, we found a Prezi presentation similar to what we would be doing, and turns out we were massively over complicating it. It was a huge relief as we were really stressing out over this when it was something so simple. Pecha Kucha! So we’ve got most of it ready, all we have to do now is figure out who wants to do what slides and who talks about what. etc.


This video was really helpful, we found that Saul Bass and Kyle Cooper pretty much revolutionized title sequencing as they used their title sequences to “move the movie forward” instead of using them just to get names and titles across.

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