The Impossible Hole

Our short features “an impossible hole”. A gate/doorway to an completely separate dimension. It’s a term Phoebe came up with when reading over The Heroes’ Journey, and researching other narrative devices.

Our impossible hole, is a crack through a window. There’s 4 large panes of glass, sitting side by side looking out into space. But one of those windows is cracked wide open. Rather than the outside space ripping everything out through the crack, everything is still. And on the other side of the hole, there’s a complete separate reality.

Watch out. The gap in the door… it’s a separate reality. The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you? – The Brown Talking… Bag(?) / Silent Hills. PT (2014)

I quite liked this quote, lined up with our project quite well so i couldn’t not. So yeah, a separate reality. Through the cracks there’s a cavernous dungeon impossibly sits waiting for our protagonist.

We were first thinking, what if the environment naturally started changing and becoming that dungeon environment? Metal becoming stone, pipes twisting and warping into lit sconces, greenery and vines creeping in? We decided a hard barrier would be better, and maybe have these changes in environment would be the stone to metal as she’s running away back to the cockpit.

While they’re not the best, I attempted some photo bashes to get my ideas across.


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