Time Loops // Black Holes are the result of Time Distortions?

So we’ve finally nailed our concept and story. We started off with the prompt/ concept “What if Black Holes caused Time Loops?” and began figuring things out from there.

In the abyss of space, an inquisitive pilot seeks answers when her ship chances upon an impossible doorway into a black hole but only discovers that she must escape the monstrosity lurking within.


So with our animation ending with a call back to the start, a literal time loop. I immediately got stuck into researching black holes and ways they could possibly drive our project.

Within black holes, there’s this point called The Event Horizon. Say you’re slowly drifting towards a black hole, once you pass this point, to an outside observer you would appear to be totally still, frozen in time. To you (assuming you’d impossibly survive) you would continue to drift on forward toward the Black Hole. But to the observer you’re frozen. Gradually your still image would be shifting into a red hue before fading out of existence.

It’s all to do with light. The Event Horizon is the point where light can’t escape, so beyond this point we have no idea what happens. What if… Things inside are trapped in a time loop of their last moments. What if… it’s a door to another dimension. What if… there’s something inside that can manipulate time for its own benefit. What if this monster is looping a pilots last moment over and over so it has dinner for a lifetime? Who knooows.


So while black holes may not be the main focus of the animation, we’re going to have a subtle nod to it being because of a black hole. At the end of the animation, when the pilot leaves the cockpit, she has just about missed the warning on screen. !ALERT-BLACK HOLE WARNING!

We’re thinking that the animation is based within that Event Horizon. The character has accidentally and unknowingly drifted into the black hole and is stuck in a time loop forever(?).


Research Potential: The Sinking City (2018)

Our idea of time loops were initially sparked when we watched the trailer for The Sinking City (2018). 

“The Sinking City is a third person adventure game, inspired by the works of American horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. It is our biggest and most ambitious project up to date, in terms of gameplay, story and overall experience we are aiming for. We are building The Sinking City on three main pillars – open world, open investigation, Lovecraft – which define how it will play and feel.”



We loved the idea of the characters death initially being the reason for the character to investigate which is where the knocking door element came from upon viewing this.

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