Life Drawing Reflection

Unfortunately i couldn’t make the last life drawing class, so for this part of the assignment I’m going to be using two older pieces from a previous class.


As part of the analysis, I will be talking about balance, tension, perspective and motion.

Left Image Analysis/Reflection:

For the chair poses (image on the left), I think I’ve conveyed the sense of scale and perspective well using solid drawing techniques; Especially in the left drawing. We were taught in class to build the chair up out of cubes, and use horizon line in order to create depth within the drawings so this really helped nail the perspective.

Both drawings within the image on the left feel incomplete to me though, where the image on the left is built up much more with solid drawing the image on the right was more rushed. The drawing on the left feels more alive and has more believable proportions, this adds to the off-balance feeling of the piece. When drawing the model, i attempted to add weight and tension to convey the feeling of gravity within the piece by using the chair and cloth. I showed the body’s influence on the material and cushions by having the cloth fold around certain parts of the body. The are multiple points of tension in the drawing on the left such as in the toes that are pressed against the floor, and the model’s right arm, even though it isn’t seen in this piece you would know he is leaning against the chair.

Perspective is something I really need to work on, over time it’s something I’ve gotten better at but there’s a lot of room for improvement. In the left image, left drawing I feel that i’ve drawn the perspective much better than in the drawing on the right. In general i think the drawing on the right is the better drawing of the two.

To summarise the left image, I feel that I have done the perspective and body proportions well, the perspective shows the depth of the image and shows how all surfaces follow the horizon line,and also informs the viewer that how the model is leaning slightly to the right. It also conveys the models’ weight and its influence on the chair.

Right Image Analysis/Reflection:

Like the previous image, I feel that I have conveyed a sense of scale successfully by using the stick as reference, again I used solid drawing in order to build up the body in order to make it a more believable drawing. This also creates the feeling of there being motion and life within the drawing. The middle drawing shows the balance and tension. Because of the way the model has his feet cemented on the ground yet is bending forward, we see the tension and weight on his back because of the stick he is holding against himself. The same can be said about the drawing on its left, it looks like there is a lot of weight on  its shoulders creating tension.

2 thoughts on “Life Drawing Reflection

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  1. Jack, your reflection on your progress and the images you choose to back it up, create an accurate statement for your Life Drawing since September. I feel you have made good use of your time in class and have shown devoted interest in the subject through your home assignments. Improved since day one. Thank you. Well done.


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