Making it Float and Water Collection

“Researchers have demonstrated a new metal matrix composite that is so light that it can float on water. A boat made of such lightweight composites will not sink despite damage to its structure.” –

So we found this material and it’s pretty much ideal to what we’re looking for. What we’re going to do is have this metal matrix foam line the bottom of the top layer of the city to keep it afloat. The foam’s magnesium alloy matrix composite is lined with silicone carbide hollow particles. They have a density of 0.92 grams per cubic meter meaning it will float easily on water.

NYU Tandon School of Engineering. 2016. A Metal Composite that will (Literally) Float Your Boat | NYU Tandon School of Engineering. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2016].

We also plan on having a massive revolving cog around the top layer of the city which will not only propel and keep the city afloat on water, but will also collect water. As the cog rotates, the water is pulled into the center of the city, and as the water passes through hydroelectric turbines, electricity is generated; powering the city. The will also be water filters passing through every layer of the city, so clean water can be deposited to every section. Used water/waste can be flushed out while water is being pulled back in through the surface and purified again.

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