Rough Schematic

Once I had the notes and key events scribbled down in my sketchbook, I made a start on the rough schematic. This is something we all struggled with to begin with.

I talked to a few second years and they originally thought that a movie schematic was interpreted as being a blueprint or plan for the movie. (As did I when i first heard of it.) This was all cleared up when ConĂ¡nn sent a message to a student in the class saying to look at the london underground’s map. Which we did. Here’s a map of the underground below!


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As you can see from the image above, the first thing we noticed is how all the tracks and routes overlap and intertwine. From there we thought the schematic is used to indicate how all the plot points and characters paths cross with each others and now they influence the story. I got stuck into this right away.

I decided to base it on the main character’s journey (The Narrator). Seeing as his journey is very linear and the plot heavily follows him and the characters seem to be wrapped around all of his actions. After I had the protagonists journey plotted in chronological order. After this I went on to fill in the blanks with the other characters. And then used lines of different colours and values to link them to a character or group.

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