The Disney and Pixar lecture

I loved this lecture! I learned so much from it, ranging from the different eras of Disney and how successful they were, what Pixar was before it became the Pixar we know it as, and the conditions of the Disney workplace back in the 60’s. Really enjoyed this one. We were shown disney shorts such as Luna and Tin Toy (oh god the baby in that one…)

Also, just before this talk Alec taught us more on how to animate a bouncing ball in MAYA. I experimented a little and managed to stretch and squish the ball as it jumped and landed. I felt it would give it more character. Alec then set the assignment and this was partly included so I’m halfway there!

Just before i left for work I experimented a little more with the markers. Below are the results.

Tonal life drawing

Today mike taught us how to tone and shade correctly, really enjoyed this class! He started us off with drawing sphere’s and explained how light typically hit those types of surfaces, and then applied these rules to the model. I now have a way better understanding on how shading and light works.


New markers!

So i’m still working away on the world project, while doing the essay and photos. We’ve been told to focus more on getting the photography and essay assignments finished up. I picked up some copic and promarkers today and they are amazing!! Really loving them as they’re so easy to work with.



Colour presentation

So today we presented our world with colour and compositions added. We were first to present and things went fairly well. However, after seeing how all the other groups worked and came together, i started to think that we maybe could have collaborated more together. I saw that other teams were using other peoples drawings and building upon them and i think thats what we need to do more off. Don’t get me wrong though, we did work well together and discussed each other’s styles and drawings with each other, but we didn’t really switch and exchange drawings to build upon and improve. I’ve definitely been inspired and will begin to do more of this.

Below are some of the pieces i presented.


Group work, prep for presenting our project

We spent all of today bringing our ideas together and all working together on a decided colour palette. Here’s some of the results below. We all thought that the yellow themed drawings worked quite well so we decided to go with that. We also thought the deeper down the flower petals they would change colours. There could be cave-like colours toward the bottom and into the stem so we decided to give them colder colours like blues and purples. (on a sidenote: we thought that maybe the colour of the petals could to fit the time of year. e.g. Yellow’s in spring, Red’s in Summer, Orange shades in Autumn and Blue’s in winter. The flower itself would remain unaffected to weather conditions.)

I’ll have the rest of the images up tomorrow after the presentation, for now here’s the colour palette tests and the plans for the drawings.



Asian and Japanese Animation

Today’s lecture was on Asian and Japanese Animation. I learned a lot from it and realised that i had seen more of Hayao Miyazaki’s movies than i thought! We were also given advice and tips on structuring our essay’s, i’ve started piecing my essay together.

Life Drawing and Group work

In today’s class we focused on perspective drawings, for example, how a pointed fingers’ shape could look different from certain perspectives. We also focused on using 3D shapes to simplify the drawing process such as drawing cubes, and using its proportions to simplify drawing complex shapes. We drew cubes and used those as a base for drawing chairs. We then applied this to the model drawing session.

To begin with the drawings were pretty dodgy, but after I was corrected on what I was doing wrong I began to understand how the shapes worked together in order to build the figure.





Once i got home i decided to start experimenting with different colour palettes, here’s a few below we’ve shortlisted. We’re hoping that we will be able to create pieces that will be limited to a set colour pallette that we have chosen to keep consistency within the pieces.

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 12.55.16 Screen Shot 2015-11-03 at 20.52.19 Screen Shot 2015-11-03 at 20.51.46 Screen Shot 2015-11-03 at 20.52.06

Flower world Research

When we were bringing colour into the world we thought we should look into the likes of the flower cells and their colours and just research the flowers and plant life in general. We found quite a bit on flower cells through micro photography.

I found this website quite usefull as it had quite a lot of photos on what i’m talking about above. These images helped us choose colour palettes. Below are a few photos taken from the website that are photographed by Eckhard Völcker.



Presentation Day! Saul Bass vs Kyle Cooper

So the presentation was a success! Everything went down well and everyone got their points across okay, there were a few minor problems with the layout but we’ve learned from it now so all is well. Now that we’ve presented it we realise now that it’s no different to the weekly presentations we’ve been doing and it’s not so bad afterall.

Link to the Presentation.

We also had a lecture on camera and photography to help us out with the 600 photos assignment. I learned a lot from it and it’s really helping with the assignment.

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